2023 Volume 3
RNE Magazine

Dear Friends,
I feel like this year has flown by! Do you?
At Resolve New England (RNE), we have a lot to celebrate, appreciate, and anticipate in 2024 - our 50th anniversary! Lots has changed in a half century (!!), but one thing that will never change is the importance of having a caring community around you when you are trying to grow your family.
Fifty years ago, our first support group was at a kitchen table, while now our 20+ support groups each month are on Zoom and can welcome people from all over the world. Either way, the heart is the same – providing connection and understanding without judgment.
Our RNE Magazine has also changed! Years ago, we had pretty basic paper newsletters, then eventually a glossier magazine, and now this dynamic digital version. We love that in this format you can click immediately on links and other resources to get even more information. I feel confident that you will be enthralled and enriched by this current issue. As always, when you reach out to any of our advertisers, please let them know that you found them from RNE!
Thank you for being “our people”. My door (so to speak) is always open, so feel free to email me anytime or connect with us on social media.

Kate Weldon LeBlanc
RNE Executive Director
Dear Friends,
I feel like this year has flown by! Do you?
At Resolve New England (RNE), we have a lot to celebrate, appreciate, and anticipate in 2024 - our 50th anniversary! Lots has changed in a half century (!!), but one thing that will never change is the importance of having a caring community around you when you are trying to grow your family.
Fifty years ago, our first support group was at a kitchen table, while now our 20+ support groups each month are on Zoom and can welcome people from all over the world. Either way, the heart is the same – providing connection and understanding without judgment.
Our RNE Magazine has also changed! Years ago, we had pretty basic paper newsletters, then eventually a glossier magazine, and now this dynamic digital version. We love that in this format you can click immediately on links and other resources to get even more information. I feel confident that you will be enthralled and enriched by this current issue. As always, when you reach out to any of our advertisers, please let them know that you found them from RNE!
Thank you for being “our people”. My door (so to speak) is always open, so feel free to email me anytime or connect with us on social media.

In This Issue

RNE Executive Committee
- Jennifer Redmond, President
- Chrissy Hanisco, Vice President
- Lisa Rosenthal, Treasurer
- Mary Zanor, Clerk
RNE Board of Directors
- Alexis Noelle Goulette
- Kerry Kavanaugh
- Jill Kniebel
- Aprill Lane
- Ben Lannon
- LaMone Downey Leonard
- LeeMichael Mclean
- Alyssa Scruggs
- Preety Sidhu
- Dana Solomon
- Aaron Styer
- Meredith Wheeler
- Lauren Wilson
Board Fellow
- Nicholas Greco
Honorary Members
- Alma Berson
- Bonny Gilbert
- Barbara Wells
RNE Staff
- Kate Weldon LeBlanc, Executive Director
- Emily Lindblad, Operations Manager
Special Thanks to Our Wonderful Editorial Team!

Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Rainbow Sponsors
Editorial Policy
This magazine is a vehicle for fertility and family building news, events, and articles of interest, with a focus on the New England area.
Our readers, both professionals and people who have personally experienced fertility and family building challenges, are encouraged to submit comments and articles.
The editorial team reserves the right to edit all submissions.
Magazine feedback and article submissions can be sent to admin@resolvenewengland.org.
Cover Photo "Fall colors and reflections in Birge Pond in Bristol, Connecticut." ©Holcy from Getty Images
Advertising Policy
This magazine accepts paid advertisements.
We also accept announcements of upcoming events and advertisements from fellow non-profits and those conducting research studies.
The service providers advertising in this newsletter have not been screened or required to meet any specific criteria and have paid a fee to be included. Therefore, advertisements for services/persons/providers should not in any way be considered endorsements or recommendations, either express or implied, by Resolve New England.